




一次帶著孩子們下田看田菁時,用手機播放音樂,然後哥哥說要聽弟弟最愛聽的『湯瑪士小火車歌』,那當下我的確知道弟弟最愛聽的是哪一首 (Never, Never, Never Give Up!!” 是弟弟最愛聽的歌),於是我拿起手機正準備要將歌曲轉至Never, Never, Never Give Up!! 時,弟弟同時稚嫩地說道,嗯….就是有養顏C”的湯瑪士小火車歌,我感到恍然大悟,如拾珍寶一般,終於找到了孩子們口口聲聲所說的養顏C”到裏從何而來,不過又一方面再度疑惑,不解何處可以跟養顏C”搭嘎。


手機已經播放 Never, Never, Never Give Up!!”,節奏輕快 旋律透露出快樂的氣氛,隨著歌詞一句句的唱過,在副歌裏,我彷彿真聽到了養顏C”…..這三個音在結尾處,”C”拖長拉音,同時音調變得更加高亢。不過發音又似不似,不太能做起聯想……………..




Never, never, never give up! (THOMAS & FRIENDS)

If you climb the highest mountain,

Cross the river deep,

Maybe you'll find it's never as easy

As it first appears, as it first appears

Just remember not to worry,

Or get down at heart

Never lose faith in positive thinking

You'll be amazed when you achieve

All the things you start,

all the things you start. So,


Never, never, never give up even though the going's tough

Don't stop trying, when you're tiring, and you're out of puff

No, never, never, never give up even though you're feeling rough

If at first you don't succeed, never, never, never give up

If at first you don't succeed, Then try and try again

Nothing in life is ever as easy

But you get there in the end, get there in the end

So blow your cares and woes behind you

Start a brand new day

Nothing can stop you reaching your goal

If you're determined, you can do it

You will find a way, you will find a way. So,


Some things seem impossible, answers hard to find

No matter how improbable, you won't know until you try

You can do whatever you choose it just takes a little luck

So remember never, never, never give up

(Repeat Chorus twice)

Never, never, never give up!


終於的……找到了這幾個字,If at first you don't succeed..,沒錯就是這個you don't succeed,他們就是孩子們的口裏的養顏C”





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